Fees for membership
Active breeding farmers - £50 + VAT per year - £60 (incl. VAT) **
Associate members - £25 + VAT per year - £30 (Incl) VAT) (No Voting rights)
** In order to register stock you will need a Prefix which is a one-off payment of £50 + VAT and a Private Herd Book £6.
Please complete the membership form and return to the office. Dowload the membership form here
Registration Fees
Females up to 2 months old = £18.00
Females over 2 months old = £21.60
Females over 1 year old = £48.00
Steers any age = £7.20
Bulls any age = £42.00
Change of Ownership fee £24.00
All these prices are inclusive of VAT
If you have any queries or problems regarding registrations please contact Lynfa on 07943 138 480 or via email, secretary@welshblackcattlesociety.com
Change of Ownership Certificate
- Cow and Calf (10mths or younger) counted as one unit
- The purchaser (buyer) is responsible for transferring the animals and for paying the transfer fee. The certificate will be then be re-issued with the new owner’s details. Offspring cannot be registered by the new owner unless the transfer has taken place.
- Members transferring a considerable amount there would be discount for example; 11-20 Cows – 1 free transfer, 21-30 Cows – 2 free transfer, 31-40 Cows – 3 free transfers.
Please forward the change of ownership details over to the Office as soon as possible to keep all records up to date