Builth Office: 01982 551 111

Online Database

Welcome to the on-line database. Click on the links below to search for members or animals.

Member Enquiry

Find members of the Welsh Black Cattle Society using their name (or part of name), or Herd Prefix.

Fees for membership

Active breeding farmers - £60 (incl. VAT) ***

Associated Member - £30 per annum (incl. VAT) No Voting Rights

*** In order to register stock you will need a Prefix which is a one-off payment of £50 + VAT and a Private Herd Book £6.

Animal Enquiry

Search for registered animals by name (or part of name), or look for animals using a variety of search criteria such as age, female etc.

Search EBVs

Search database for calculatedEBV values.

To register cattle

Only members of the Welsh Black Cattle Society may use this facility.

To register cattle please click here to download the excel spreadsheet. Save this to your computer, complete the details and e-mail to the Welsh Black office in Caernarfon on secretary@welshblackcattlesociety.com

Please click here to view current registration fees.