Builth Office: 01982 551 111

Join us at an Open Day at Rhiwaedog, Bala

Welsh Black Cattle Society Open Day at Rhiwaedog, Bala – warm welcome to all

21st September 2024 at 2pm

The Welsh Black Cattle Society president, Mr Emyr Jones would like to welcome you all to an Open Day at Rhiwaedog, Bala on Saturday, 21st September 2024, the afternoon will start at 2pm. This Open Day is open to everyone from members, supporters or any farmers who would be interested in seeing the Welsh Black Cattle in their natural environment.

The Welsh Black Cattle have been at Rhiwaedog since Mr Emyr Jones’s grandfather purchased the farm in 1937. Therefore, they’ve always had a very close place in our Presidents heart, the herd established as a pedigree herd in 1968 under the prefix, Rhiwaedog. For many years, the Jones’ family have been keeping a selection of the cattle Pedigree while crossing part of the herd with a Charolais bull, these is a cross with plenty of demand.

The afternoon will include a tractor and trailer tour of the Cattle along with a chance to socialise with other Society members and the farming community ahead of the autumn months. Come and learn more about the Welsh Black Cow and their ability to suit any farming system here in Wales and over the border. If you’re interested in attending, please let the Society Office know to ease with refreshment numbers on 01982 551 111.

The Open Day is open to everyone to come and see the Welsh Black Cattle.

** Welsh Translation • Cyfieuthiad Cymraeg **

Diwrnod Agored Cymdeithas Gwartheg Duon Cymreig yn Rhiwaedog, Y Bala – croeso cynnes i bawb

Hoffai llywydd Cymdeithas Gwartheg Duon Cymru, Mr Emyr Jones, eich croesawu chi i gyd i Ddiwrnod Agored yn Rhiwaedog, Y Bala ddydd Sadwrn, 21 Medi 2024, bydd y prynhawn yn dechrau am 2pm. Mae'r Diwrnod Agored hwn yn agored i bawb o aelodau, cefnogwyr neu unrhyw ffermwyr a fyddai â diddordeb mewn gweld Gwartheg Duon Cymru yn eu hamgylchedd naturiol.

Mae'r Gwartheg Duon Cymreig wedi bod yn Rhiwaedog ers i daid Mr Emyr Jones brynu'r fferm yn 1937. Felly, maen nhw bob amser wedi cael lle agos iawn yng nghalon ein Llywydd, sefydlwyd y fuches fel buches pedigri llawn yn 1968 o dan yr enw, Rhiwaedog. Ers blynyddoedd lawer, mae teulu'r Jones wedi bod yn cadw fuches o'r gwartheg yn bedigri tra'n croesi rhan o'r fuches gyda tarw Charolais, croesiad cryf yn ateb gofynion y farchnad.

Bydd y prynhawn yn cynnwys taith tractor a threlar o amgylch y Gwartheg ynghyd â chyfle i gymdeithasu gydag aelodau eraill y Gymdeithas a'r gymuned amaethyddiaeth cyn misoedd yr hydref. Dewch i ddysgu mwy am y Fuwch Ddu Gymreig a'u allu i weddu i unrhyw system ffermio modern Cymru a thu hwnt. Os oes gennych diddordeb mewn mynychu, rhowch wybod i Swyddfa'r Gymdeithas i hwyluso gyda trefniadau lluniaeth drwy ffonio 01982 551 111.

Mae'r Diwrnod Agored ar agor i bawb ddod i weld y Gwartheg Duon Cymreig.
